Much appreciation for Anastasia Del Vecchio‘s Guided imagery CD and awesome Sacred Path mist set… got me on all levels… It was just recently that I finally heard all the words… It put me out and helped me get through a really difficult time… Thank you so very much Anastasia! Good stuff ((( ♥ ))) Blessings

I tried your cd yesterday! it was great….  I don’t know exactly how to articulate it, but that was the best guided mediation i have heard.  Very effective.  Your voice is great… I’ve heard that it a taurus thing 😉   Thank you for your help!   Fallbrook Ca.

Anastasia, Thank you so much for such a well thought out experience.  Using the Sacred Mists to help me over come my battle with anxiety has been just the ticket I needed..I listen to the CD everyday and I get better every time I do an “in home” session. Im finally understanding how much plays a role in the anxiety of everyday life.  Peace to you.  Sincerely, Cyndi from Hawaii

 I smelled your oils at Felton Nutrition on Sunday and got a lemon verbena high. They should make that stuff illegal!  Santa Cruz California
Golden Joy is amazing! I did use the mist for meditation, and really enjoyed it.  it’s easier to remember that state every time i smell it.  Thank you !  Simi Valley California