Collage For The Soul

Collage for the Soul Wisdom cards is a fascinating way to find and define the inner and outer parts of oneself. What is your life story? Soul Collage theory is an introspective process that can be extremely rewarding.

In this process, you are choosing to get in touch with Your life story. Collaging is fun and easy to do. Using the “I am the one” process is an effective way to introduce and integrate the many parts of oneself into the whole person, which is YOU.  One’s inner voice can be easily given to the subconscious mind in this particular style of art therapy.

Collage for the Soul was founded by me, Anastasia del Vecchio in 1973.  Collective images,  scissors and glue became the tools to reveal the many layers of emotions that were enhancing and controlling my life and my life surroundings.

Join a Class!

Classes held in the Santa Cruz California

  • What happens in a beginning Collage for the Soul class?
  • We will be building community with other sweet souls who are interested and coming to know their true purpose and their divine purpose for their lives. You will put together your own set of wisdom cards made up of all parts of your unique life.
  • All classes are at least 3 hours long. We meet in groups of 4-6 people and we start out with a vision board to get your feet wet!
  • Following Classes will begin the Journey into our personal suites
  • Community Suit
  • Committee Suit
  • Companion Suit
  • Council Suit
  • Each of these Suit’s will be explained to you in your classes.
  • What will I need to attend the first class?

What You Need To Bring:

Scissors, glue sticks, magazines that you have cut out images or photo’s that you are willing to glue to your cards that will form your Collage for the Soul wisdom deck.

Wear Comfortable clothes and bring a snack and water.

Bring a note book and a pencil and pen to take notes

The cost for each group session is 35.00

Online classes coming soon!

Want to Become a Certified Collage for the Soul art therapy Instructor?

Contact for more info!

AnastasiaCollage for the Soul